Our Investment
Our investment philosophy within the fresh produce and agri-retail space is to create both profitable and social impact within the agricultural value chain. We are dedicated to adding value through partnering with reputable actors in the value-chain – exporters, wholesalers, processors, local traders, producer groups, farmers, and input suppliers.
Keys to success
- Partnering with networks that have been built up over the years
- Partnering with preferred suppliers
- Formalizing good and long-term relationships with different actors along identified value chains
- Promoting values such as equality and fairness, managing and maintain good working relationships abroad
- Formalizing working relations for informal traders
- Supporting sustainable economic initiatives through various development programmes
Our Key Initiatives
Forty Squares recognises key initiatives to further develop and expand the agricultural economy in Southern Africa
Supporting food security initiatives through revitalising food production systems
Forty Squares is committed to supporting initiatives geared towards strengthening food production systems within farming communities. We recognise strategies that can increase agricultural productivity for farmers in order make a significant contribution to reducing households’ food insecurity status.
Supporting emerging farmers through
training and broader socio-economic upliftment activities
Our farmer engagement initiative is supported by a model which has been tried and tested in Southern Africa. The model supports emerging farmers through a strong training element where farmers undergo training in line with sustainable farming methods and allows for marketable solutions for agri-produce. A key aspect to our model is forging and formalizing the necessary relationships between farmers, suppliers and retailers to build marketable business ventures.
Promoting principles of conservation
and sustainable agriculture
Forty Squares incorporates the promotion of conservation agriculture into both our social and environmental considerations. We have vested interest for partnerships and collaborations where high standards of sustainability and conservation agriculture are maintained in communities. As such, we furthermore ensure we meet expectations of stakeholders and relevant policies.
Environmental, Social and Governance Commitment
It is our aim to build a sustainably successful company which can withstand the challenges that come with modern times. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged organisations to adapt and operate in new ways. It is our belief that success is founded on strong fundamentals, including having a clear regard for the environment in which it operates.
In preparation for our journey ahead, we are introducing and are committed to the principles aligned to ESG – environmental, social and governance factors. ESG fits into the broader theme of ‘good governance’ and allows for the evaluation of companies and countries, on how far advanced they are with sustainability.
Positioning Forty Squares as a responsible investor within the ESG space is beneficial for the sustainable growth of our future investments. Across the globe, companies such as ours are realising the multi-fold benefits of adopting ESG within a company. ESG is increasingly, becoming the bedrock of Sustainable and Responsible Investing and we firmly believe that adhering to these principles within an organization sets the right pathway for success.